Fed up with the status quo? The way things are isn’t the way things have to be. Come see what happens when we’re ready to say, “I quit.” Nov. 5 – I Quit Making Excuses Nov. 12 – I Quit Complaining Nov. 19 – I Quit Living In Fear Nov. 26 – I Quit Comparing
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New Series: Ruth
We often define our lives by the big moments. But most of our lives consist of ordinary chapters. They may not feel significant, but ultimately end up changing everything. In our new series, The Book of Ruth, we’ll discover the hidden beauty of life’s small moments. Join us for this 6-part series begins Sunday, September […]
Continue readingJonah
God works miracles through those who obey, though often times our nature rebels against Him. Regardless of which path we choose-obedience or rebellion- God is the God of second chances. Few stories illustrate this principle more clearly than the story of Jonah. Join us as we delve into the story of one man and his […]
Continue readingNew Series: Elijah
An angry king. Devastating drought. Epic opposition. And one man who overcomes it all. When the world around us is spinning out of control, where do we turn? Join us as we learn from Elijah. May 28: Seasons that Make us June 4: Which God Do You Serve? June 11: Elijah Prays July 9: Depression
Continue readingNew Series: Twisted
The Bible is full of wisdom. People love to quote their favorite verses to encourage and inspire each other—but sometimes, those verses get taken out of context. What happens when the most important message of all gets Twisted? This 3-week message series from Pastor Troy covers 3 of the most misused verses in the Bible. Learn […]
Continue readingNew Series: I’m IN… begins October 9
It’s not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference that they […]
Continue readingNew Series Begins Sept 4: A Better Life
Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we’re longing for? Together, let’s discover A Better Way. Join us for a 4-week series beginning on Sunday, September 4th at 9:45a for […]
Continue readingDifferent: A Study in 1 Peter
In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … Different. This series is a study of […]
Continue readingHe’s Still Got The Whole World In His Hands
How do we remain hopeful in a world that seems hopelessly broken? How do we continue to trust a God that seems conspicuously absent? How do we find peace in a world that is spinning out of control? If you’ve ever asked questions like these, you’re not alone . . . and you’re not the […]
Continue readingNew Series: I Am – Portraits of Jesus
This series is based on the “I am…” statements of Jesus and how He can meet our needs: When you need hope: I am the resurrection and the life (Easter) When you need guidance: I am the good shepherd When you need a second chance: I am the light of the world When you need […]
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