Our Adult Ministries offer classes, small groups and fellowship activities for singles and couples.
Sunday School
Sunday School goes from 8:30 to 9:30 am with an assortment of classes about Christian living, books of the Bible, or contemporary topics. Classes change throughout the year and are held in the main church building and Family Life Center. The current classes include:
- Study in John led by Kent Bailey in the main building room N8
- Study in the Gospel of Mark led by Brent Gyllenberg in the Family Life Center, room 106
- Straight Talk led by Pastor Lennie in the main building - Music Room
- Adult Sunday School Curriculum led by Steve Hardrath in the main building, room N6
Small Groups
Small Groups or "TLC Groups" are a more casual way to meet others each week. The groups usually have a short Biblical lesson, open discussion time, prayer time and of course dessert. Current group times and locations include:
- Monday Evening Young Adult Group at 5:30pm - meets at 2885 Cedar Street, or call 530-310-3414.
- Tuesday evening at 5 pm with Edward Stoaks - meets at 2034 18th St, or call 541.523.3153.
- Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm with Pastor Troy - meets in church Fellowship Hall. (Restarting in June)
- Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm with Eugene & Christina Hawes. Call 541.519.8805 for location.
Men's Activities and Studies
Tozer Gang
Join men of all ages for a time of discussion and encouragement based around one of A.W. Tozer's books led by Pastor Lennie Spooner. Every Friday at 8:00am. Contact Lennie Spooner for location.
Meat and Greet
One of the favorite men's activities is the monthly "Meat and Greet". You are welcome to join us the second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall for a steak meal ($8), good dinner conversation, and a special sharing time and testimony by a 'mystery guest' selected by Pastor Lennie.
Father's Day Family Trap Shoot
Every Father's Day weekend our church hosts an annual Family Trap Shoot at the Baker County Trap Club. This event just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. All are welcome to join in, enjoy eating some hot dogs and enjoying a sunny day. The divisions included a mix of people who have been shooting for many years down to those who just picked a shotgun that day.